The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at SDSU offers the following degrees:
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
- Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
- Bachelor of Science (B.S.) with Emphasis in Biochemistry
- Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Chemical Physics
- Master of Arts (M.A.) (see also Earning the M.S.)
- Master of Science (M.S.) (see also Earning the M.A.)
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
(Joint Doctoral Program with UCSD)
Graduate Programs of Study
SDSU provides excellent opportunities for graduate work in chemistry at the M.A., M.S., and Ph.D. degree levels. All major areas of chemistry are represented: analytical, inorganic, physical, computational, education, organic, and biochemistry. Whether you are a student who has definite degree objectives or a student who is not entirely sure about your degree objectives, we offer a program that may be right for you!
The chemistry graduate program at SDSU is large enough to offer a variety of course and research options, yet small enough that you will not get lost in the crowd. Each of our graduate students is important to us and we strive to give each student the personal attention needed to make sure their graduate career at SDSU is both successful and rewarding. SDSU is a Federally-designated Hispanic-Serving Institution, a First-Gen Forward Institution, and an Asian American, Native American, Pacific Islander Serving Institution, as well as home to 10 cultural centers on campus. In our Department, we believe in celebrating your many identities!
UCSD-SDSU Joint Doctoral Program
The Ph.D. degree is offered jointly with the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry through the Joint Doctoral Program (JDP). Students in the JDP are admitted into the graduate programs of both institutions, and spend one year doing coursework at UCSD, while they work on research with their advisor at SDSU. The remainder of the coursework and research for the Ph.D. degree are carried out under the direction of a faculty member at SDSU. Collaborative projects between SDSU and UCSD are encouraged. Students in the JDP are required to pass a qualifying examination in order to advance to candidacy for the degree. Candidates for the Ph.D. degree complete a dissertation based on their research, which must be successfully defended to a joint committee consisting of faculty members from both UCSD and SDSU. Please also see UCSDs description of this program. There are two ways to enter the JDP program, one directly, and the other by way of one year in the masters program; details appear below.
SDSU M.S. Degree Program
We offer a strong Masters of Science program with both coursework and research requirements. The M.S. degree at SDSU is a respected degree, not merely a consolation prize for those students who dont succeed in the Ph.D. program. Graduates from our M.S. degree program have been very successful at obtaining jobs in biotechnology, pharma, and other chemistry-centered industries, particularly in the Southern California region. Requirements for the M.S. degree include the completion of 30 units of graduate credit and the successful oral defense of a research thesis. This program is ideal for students who want essential research experience but do not wish to advance or wish to postpone advancement toward the Ph.D. degree.
SDSU M.A. Degree Program
Students in this program are required to complete 30 units of graduate credit, at least 24 of which are in chemistry. The student is free to take any course listed as acceptable in the online catalog; however, the student must take courses in areas in which he or she is deficient (as demonstrated by the orientation exams). The final requirement is to write a paper approved by the departmental graduate advisor or take a written comprehensive exam. This program is ideal for students who do not feel that they need research experience. Many people employed in local industries choose this route. To accommodate these people, we try to offer graduate courses in the evening whenever possible.
All graduate students are admitted into our M.S. and M.A. graduate programs with unclassified status. Although the requirements for advancement to classified status can vary, all students are required to show competency in four of the five general areas of chemistry either by passing orientation exams or by taking courses in the appropriate areas of chemistry. The orientation exams are given 12 weeks before classes begin in both the Fall and Spring semesters.
Application to the Graduate Program
Due Dates: Applications for direct admission to the JDP program are due on December 1, 2024. Applications for the MS and MA programs are due on February 1, 2025. You must complete both parts of the application (Interfolio and Cal State Apply) in order to meet the deadline. We strongly encourage applications from historically excluded groups.
NOTE: Scores for the GRE are not required
Application for graduate studies in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at SDSU is in two parts.
First, submit the Interfolio portion of your application. This part of the application is free.
Go to the Interfolio link for SDSU Chemistry to submit your information. You can edit your information up until you press the Submit button. Your letters of recommendation can arrive after your submission. Note, we will need to have at least two (three strongly preferred) of your writer's letters in order for us to evaluate your application. If you have research experience, then one of these letters should be from your work or research supervisor. In case that is not possible, please explain briefly in the personal statement of your application.
- Interfolio is used to collect specific materials for the evaluation of your application: Letters of Recommendation (3), Personal Statement, copies of your unofficial transcript, and completed questionnaire.
- Follow the guidelines for writing your Personal Statement (see below).
- Choose reference writers that know you well and have something important to say about you. Rather than just giving you an endorsement, we place the highest value on letters that explain your qualifications, how and why you're well prepared for graduate studies, and comment on your potential.
- A questionnaire includes contact information, your areas of interest in chemistry, and faculty with whom you might like to work, financial support, English proficiency and an Application Process Checklist.
- Email the appropriate SDSU Graduate Advisor, PhD (JDP) degree (bpurse@sdsu.edu) MS/MA degrees (tcole@sdsu.edu) after you submit your Interfolio packet, informing us that you completed your Interfolio material.
The second part of the application uses Cal State Apply. Complete the application for the program of your choice (PhD, MS, or MA), selecting CSU San Diego (SDSU’s formal name within the California State University System) as the institution. Your Cal State Apply application must be complete by the due date given above.
A. Guidance for Personal Statement (1 to 1 ½ pages)
- What makes you excited about a career in research and why do you want to complete a graduate degree in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at SDSU?
- Describe your education up to the present. How has your education helped you meet your long-term goals and what are your next steps to achieve your goals? An important aspect of reaching significant goals is motivation; please give concrete examples that illustrate your motivation. You may choose to include examples of how you have overcome adversity.
- Describe your research experiences. Briefly summarize each research project, including the duration of the project and an estimate of how much time you spent on it. Who was your research advisor for each research experience? Describe both overall goals and your contribution to these project(s). How many others worked on each project and what were your contributions? Summarize which techniques and instrumentation you mastered. Did your research experience result in a presentation, poster or publication? If so, describe where and if possible give a citation.
- Why did you choose to apply to SDSU? What research groups best match your long-term goals? With which faculty have you talked or communicated already?
Financial Assistance
Financial support for qualified graduate students may be provided in the form of research and teaching assistantships. Typically, most candidates admitted to the program are supported on teaching assistantships, and may be supported on research or teaching assistantships for subsequent years. Research assistantships are arranged between the student and their faculty research advisor, whereas teaching assistantships are administered through the department. Please be aware that the Course Catalog is the official publication for San Diego State University regarding graduate requirements and procedures.
If you have any questions concerning our graduate programs, please do not hesitate to contact us by email (cheminfo@sdsu.edu) or phone (619-594-5595).