Welcome to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at San Diego State University.
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at SDSU has always been a leader in the California State University system. Our department was the first within CSU to confer an ACS-accredited bachelor's degree in chemistry (1949), the first to confer a master's degree in chemistry (1951), and the first (and only) to confer a doctoral degree (1967) in chemistry. The Ph.D. program, a collaborative effort with the University of California, San Diego, was the first of what are now several Joint Doctoral Programs within CSU.
Our primary goals are to offer a strong undergraduate program that prepares chemists for employment or advanced degrees; to offer a strong graduate program for both master's and doctoral degrees; and to maintain a vigorous research program funded with external support.
We strive to achieve these goals by attracting faculty who are uncommonly devoted to excellence in teaching and research, by providing students with a substantial amount of hands-on laboratory experience with modern equipment, and by fostering an environment that promotes independent and critical thinking. We are proud to offer a comprehensive undergraduate research program, in which almost all undergraduates participate; an M.S. degree which is a true research degree with thesis; and the Joint Doctoral Program , which combines the resources of SDSU and UC-San Diego to provide doctoral students with a high quality Ph.D. degree.
Our on-campus facilities provide a substantial inventory of modern chemical instrumentation and computer equipment in a new laboratory building. Additional resources are available through collaborations with faculty at nearby institutions and with the extensive local chemical industry.
And outside of work, there are all the attractions of beautiful San Diego.