Curriculum Vitae
- B.S., Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin
- Ph.D., Muscle Biology and minor in Biochemistry, University of Minnesota
- Postdoc, Muscle Biology, USDA - MARC Nebraska
Courses Taught
- Chem 100: Introduction to General Chemistry
- Chem 160: Introductory Biochemistry
- Chem 564: Receptor Biochemistry
David Kretchmar's career has spanned over 34 years and includes very diverse experience in science-based topics. He has spent 23 years in academia at universities and community colleges teaching over 4,000 students about chemistry, biochemistry, endocrinology, biology and nutrition in both the classroom and in the laboratory. David also worked in the Biotech and Agriculture industry for over 11 years.
David has a passion for helping students and co-workers learn and understand science by putting very complex concepts into a language that they understand. He believes that anyone can “get science” if given the proper environment and the opportunity to, relate the concepts to the world around them. In addition, David brings the experience and practical knowledge of industry into the learning environment and has incorporated his real-world experience into his classroom. David feels that it is important to stay on top of innovations in the areas that he is teaching as well as in the methods he uses in the classroom. Instead of telling his students to put their cell phones away, he reminds them that they are a reference tool and should be used to look up information. He has put together unique labs were something as simple as writing your name with chalk becomes a lesson on moles. David's teaching philosophy is summed up in a quote attributed to Albert Einstein: “To truly understand something you must be able to explain it to your grandmother.” He brings patience and understanding into the classroom to help his students understand the vast amount of information that they are exposed to and help relate it to their own lives. In addition, David is also an entertaining instructor who wears a tie every day to look professional. However, they are cartoon ties and beware of Taz on his ties, it's quiz day.
David received his Ph.D. in Muscle Biology and a Minor in Biochemistry from the University of Minnesota and his B.S. in Biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin. In addition, He did postdoctoral research at the USDA — MARC facility in Clay Center Nebraska and has 11 publications. He is working on a cook/cooking book with both recipes and scientific tidbits/techniques for the kitchen. He currently teaches at SDSU and occasionally at Southwestern Community College and has taught at University of Wisconsin, Creighton University, Edgewood College, Illinois College, Madison College, and Lincoln Land Community College. He has worked in the laboratories of Protein Design Lab and Pioneer Hybrid.